Sunday, 24 April 2016

​​Accepting the Notion of ‘Never Again’

There is an age-old adage in Alcoholics Anonymous, and it goes “one day at a time”. This saying is perhaps the most tried and true of all coveted clichés, and for good reason. Imagining a life without chemical assistance is typically quite overwhelming during the early stages of recovery. Breaking the overwhelming stretch of life into smaller segments (manageable and realistic days) will help make the beginning of the journey significantly easier. Find a drug rehab that both treats all underlying causes of addiction and works to instill the basics of a 12-step program of recovery, and you will be well on your way to managing your intake of mood and mind-altering chemicals one day at a time.

Best Drug Rehab, USA Recovery offers a unique approach to drug addiction. Need drug addiction help to find out what steps you can take to get the help you need and deserve, please contact one of our trained representatives today. Call Now : 844-520-9813

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

5 Little Habits That Will Bolster Your Recovery

Addiction recovery is a complex and multi-faceted process – one that can be drastically improved with a little hard work and effort in the ‘habitual’ realm of your life. Replacing bad habits with good ones will help to improve the quality of your sobriety, while making you an all-around better and more well-rounded individual. Here are five examples of specific behavioral habits that have the ability to drastically improve your recovery.

1. Getting enough sleep.
You wouldn’t leave the house if your iPhone was at a 5% charge, would you? Think of your brain in the same terms – if you don’t get a good night’s sleep, you will not function properly throughout the day, and you will put yourself at greater risk of agitation and exhaustion – both major relapse triggers. Perhaps you have heard the acronym HALT in relation to addiction recovery. This stands for four common triggers – hungry, angry, lonely, and tired. Not only will getting enough sleep help you to avoid relapse, but it will improve your ability to reap as much happiness and fulfillment as possible from your newfound life of sobriety. Sweet dreams!
2. Paying attention to what you eat.
Many of the best drug rehabs offer nutritional courses to their clients. This is because the food that we eat and the nutrients that we are regularly putting into our bodies play restorative roles, helping our physical bodies return to a state of healthy functioning as quickly as possible. Additionally, adequate nutrition will help us feel good – we will have more energy, we will think more clearly, and we will be able to get the absolute most out of our lives. Get into the habit of eating right!
3. Volunteer/service work.
Helping others is a surefire way to take the focus off of ourselves and our own issues while helping to rebuild self-esteem. There are many ways in which we can do service work in regards to the 12-step fellowship of our choosing. For instance, we can chair a meeting, offer to make the coffee or bring cookies, or pick up cigarette butts after or before the meeting. This will keep us accountable while working to bolster our self-esteem. We can also volunteer outside of meetings, at homeless shelters, for non-profit organizations, or at the local food bank. When it comes to helping others, opportunities are essentially endless.
4. Sticking with the winners.
Make it a habit to spend the majority of your time with sober men and women who value their sobriety, and are ‘doing the right thing’ in terms of working a program and staying on track. Seek out the individuals who are taking their sobriety seriously – who have completed drug rehab and are making meetings on a regular basis, who are working closely alongside a sponsor and staying active with service work and other extracurricular activities. You are the company you keep, after all!
5. Keeping your personal space clean.
Clean room, clean life! If you make an effort to keep your personal space clean and livable, you will feel more at ease mentally, studies show. Keeping things organized will also serve as a constant reminder of how far you’ve personally come. Stay on the right track and you will find that keeping things tidy becomes all but second nature.
Are you looking for treatment centers for addictionUSA Recovery is the best Addiction Rehab & Substance Abuse Center based on your drug. Every person needs a different level of care and not every place is right for every person. We have addiction treatment centers all across the US. The USA Recovery Center provides information on addiction, treatment and recovery. Get to us for addiction help! Don't Try It Alone! Call Now : 844-520-9813